Nepali Sherpa, Kami Rita, aged 54 became the first climber to reach the summit of Mount Everest 30 times. In May 2024 alone, Rita reached the peak twice, breaking his own record! Most people who climb Mount Everest take several days to reach the top and rarely do they attempt multiple ascents in such a short time period.
Kami Rita first began climbing Mount Everest in 1994, and has reached the peak about once a year since his first trek. Poor weather conditions (which prevent all climbers from accessing the mountain) are the only thing that have stopped Rita over the past 30 years. Although more and more people are beginning to attempt the treacherous climb up Mount Everest, it’s still an extremely dangerous and challenging activity. Climbers have to overcome the tough environment, including the “death zone” where oxygen is very sparse.
Climbing the tallest peaks in the world certainly isn’t for everyone! But that’s okay, it doesn’t have to be. Kami Rita’s inspiring story reminds us of the importance of finding a physical activity we are passionate about and dedicating our time and energy to it. Success comes to those who are patient and relentlessly dedicated. If you’re looking to learn more about Rita’s story and the realities of climbing Mount Everest, check out this article.