As youth sports become increasingly competitive, we must be careful about the environments we allow our children to compete in. A recent study looked at the relationship between sport participation and mental health, as well as the type of sports environments that bring the most significant mental health benefits for girls. Girls’ participation in supportive sports environments can significantly lessen common mental health issues like depression and anxiety. A positive environment in sports can also enhance peer relationships, and teach children valuable leadership skills.
Mental health disorders are roughly 1.5-2.5x lower for girls who play sports once compared to girls who have never played. Additionally, 29% of girls who have never played sports have moderate to high levels of depression symptoms compared to 17% for girls who are currently participating in sports. Although the data seems glaringly obvious in favor of participation in sports, I would still advise that you proceed with caution when choosing which sports environment is best for your daughter.
To make sure young girls are experiencing mental health benefits through participation in sports these environments must be supportive, where athletes are encouraged to express themselves and share ideas and concerns. Environments should prioritize the development of skills and personal goal settings, rather than focusing on winning at any cost. Positive mental health can be effortlessly cultivated when sports environments prioritize welcomeness and create a sense of belonging for the players. On the flip side, when athletes participate in environments valuing the relentless pursuit of victory children can develop narcissistic leadership traits and declines in their mental health.
Sports are an amazing avenue for kids to learn important life skills, and connect with peers in a meaningful way. For children to experience mental health benefits from participation in sports, all programs must prioritize player well-being above all else. Local communities should look into their policies and find ways to promote participation in supportive environments for youth athletics. Check out this study for more info!