We tend to think a lot about our sleep…How much we are getting and whether our smart watches tell us if it was quality sleep. We all know that tomorrow will be all the more challenging if we don’t feel rested. But what can we do to ensure that we sleep well and are set up for a great next day?
One important factor that we can control has to do with creating and implementing a bedtime routine.
A good bedtime routine ought to be short and accomplishable so that it works for YOU in the long run.
Having a consistent set bedtime is a must to include. Going to bed at the same time most nights, and waking up at the same time, allows our bodies to feel ready for both tasks: sleep and waking.
It is also important that we are not angry, irritated or upset when our head hits the pillow. Negative moods will impact your ability to fall and stay asleep and also affects the quality of your sleep.
We can find a variety of ways to improve our moods and reach a state of calm.
One suggestion to help with mood involves journaling, or more specifically, gratitude journaling. When we take time to journal regularly, it functions as a personal therapy session. You have the opportunity to vent, sort out your feelings, and leave your stressors behind in the journal. You can also practice listing three good things about your day or life. This serves as a reminder there is much to be grateful for, even during our most difficult days.
Give yourself enough time to wind down.
Get the sheets turned down, your contacts out and your face washed so that when it is finally time to go to bed you are not staying up just to avoid finishing up your chores.
Shut off those blue screens and other electronics.
Visualize the next day. This will give you a sense of calm and control, things to look forward to, and a sense that things are sorted, organized, and planned.
Go for a quick walk.
This might be a great time to practice gratitude, visualize the next day and burn off excess energy.
Lastly, connect with your bed partner. Share about your day and end on a high note for better sleep.