Anxiety, worry, nervousness, self-consciousness, whatever you want to call that feeling inside your chest and stomach, can contribute to significant distraction from living life, enjoying moments, getting your work done and pursuing your goals. At times anxiety can be so extreme it can cause nausea, lack of focus, intense symptoms that can interfere with a game and even daily life.
Dr. Rita Eichenstein points out that there are no fool-proof cognitive tricks or solutions. We have to divert our attention completely. In Mental Game Coaching we learn about avoiding trying to block out the distractors (have you ever been told to not think of a pink elephant?) and rather bring in the things that focus us. This might be achieved via thinking positive thoughts (time with friends, how you’ll feel after you complete said difficult task) or actively using Attachment Breathing and Zone Techniques, amongst other options.
To start with a Mental Game Coach contact Everest Strong Coaching at [email protected]
Read here for more suggestions on how to cope with anxiety:
To learn more about Mental Game Coaching contact Everest Strong Coaching at or IMGCA at